Friday, July 17, 2015

Summer Fullness

China Doll
        Roses are continuing to bloom well, and the hydrangeas are developing blossoms. I keep buying new plants - I finally got a berberis, one of the lovely ones with the pink veining. I think I am going to put it in the shrub bed by the white pine. The new goats beard is blooming down there now, and the white potentilla (just starting to bloom) will be on the other side. It will be a nice foil for them.
It continues hot (for here) and dry, and so bloom is rushing by. The foxgloves are climbing up into the sky daily. The cornus Kousa is still looking the same, the blooms unfaded. What a good plant it is.

         I am finally dealing with the space along the foundation between the verandah and the little deck, formerly the home of a lot of broken glass and docks. I am putting down wet newspapers and then natural cedar mulch, quite thickly, and I plan to leave it un-planted - at least until after I get the East side of the house painted - a job for this summer.  There are shrubs in front - a weigela (possibly Wine and Roses) and a Persian lilac, Minuet - and I planted up a big, big grey planter with a globe cedar and some trailing plants, tradescanitas, ivy and a fuschia. The area is looking good for the first time ever.

        My Kalmia, which did not bloom last year, has some bloom this time. I am very pleased. I was worried that it wasn't getting enough light, but apparently it likes part shade. There are a lot of low branches which I would like to prune off, mainly to make more plants. It's a lovely specimen.

     The heat is such that I don't get a lot done outdoors any more; and there is still a lot to be done - edging beds, planting in the woodland garden, siding the shed! Not to mention the painting. Ah well. I do get to enjoy all the lovely blossoms.

1 comment:

Viv said...

Lovely flower that Kalmia, I must look into it. I'm a knitter (noticed you on Ravelry and travelled here) and gardener in Montreal! Fun to meet kindred spirits. If you'd like to check out my own blog, here it is: Happy knitting and gardening!