I checked on the raspberry canes, which are all tied in and looking great. Behind me is the vegetable plot with tomato cages and dead kale. Up to the right in the photo are two cordoned apple trees and there's a cold frame behind them - a frozen frame at the moment. Not a lot in there as yet. Behind the vegetable plot is a lilac hedge, and the flowers are on the other side of that. Nothing on show at the present but snow.
I have some of my winter-sown seeds on the deck, and some down on a table in front of the poly tunnel. When I put them out, last month, I stuck them into a snowbank on the table. Now,
that snow is gone. See, spring will come! It's lovely and warm in the poly tunnel at the moment, but I don't dare put anything out there as it will freeze tonight. All the regularly-sown seeds (vegetables, etc.) are indoors for quite a while yet. The winter-sown ones are all hardy annuals or perennials which would happily self-sow if they had a chance. Nothing happening in there at the moment! It's tempting to put them in the cold frame but they need the snow and rain to water them - my hose can't be outdoors in this weather either so I can't water them.
Luckily I have a few bulbs indoors to cheer me up on days like this! This is Amaryllis 'black pearl', bought at the Veseys bulb sale last fall. I potted it up at Christmas. It took quite a while to develop roots but my long wait has been rewarded!
I have a lot of seedlings in the office and the den - the two rooms with the best southern exposure, and it's where I also have my attempt at growing a standard fuchsia. I had five slips, taken late in the fall, which I discovered had rooted, so I potted them up and started tying them in to sticks. I have to confess that I didn't
think they would make it to the top of the sticks I could find at the time I was potting them - now I wish I'd had longer ones. All five are doing well - they do get aphids from time to time but I've been taking them in to the bathroom for a shower every now and then and that seems to work to clean them off, at least temporarily. The aphids love the new side shoots, also, and as I have to pinch those off, I take great pleasure in pinching the aphids to death at the same time. I believe these are a white fuchsia (both flower parts are white) which might be 'Annabel', though I'm not sure. It is really hardy and easy to propagate for me, and it tends to have long branches, so I hope that they will make an interesting statement in the flower garden this summer.
-13... with windchill, ouch that's Freezing Mary! So glad you still chose to join in with the #mygardenrightnow project and give us a snapshot in time of garden life in your part of Canada. It's been amazing to see what's been going on in everyone's gardens this weekend :)
I have really been enjoying the gardens of the more fortunate, climatically speaking. It gives me hope!
I thought that I was feeling cold until I read your post Mary! It must be both a challenge and rewarding to garden in your neck of the woods. I hope that spring is not too long in arriving.
I am not going to complain about my cold weather to you. I think your fuchsia project sounds interesting. I hope they all take.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I just had to visit yours - Prince Edward Island - so romantic a la Anne of Green Gables (you probably get that all the time...)
I'm impressed you can grow anything in -13, I guess you only grow really hardy plants outside. The snow you are growing is just lovely ;)
Thanks, yes, we have heard of La Shirley a bit. We will get spring in a couple of months, I guess compared to yours it is accelerated quite a bit. Summers are usually warm and sunny!
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