Monday, January 9, 2012

Settling in for Winter

Things are getting into gear for winter - activities are getting going again, the Christmas tree is taken down, and furniture is back in the accustomed places. We're settling in with the kitchen, and the whole upheaval of the fall has extended to all sorts of clearing out of unused corners. January is the official de-cluttering month in my house. It's far better than Resolutions,  without discouragements and with tangible benefits like more space and better organization.

      Today I decided to make Butter Chicken, a recipe from the new Canadian Living magazine that arrived last week.  Didn't start until noon, so I am doing it in a pot on the stove, and not in the slow cooker. I had everything needed except almond butter, but a quick Google revealed that making almond butter is a snap! I just toasted a cup of almonds, ground them in the food processor, and added a bit of olive oil. Taa Daa!  This made more than I needed for the recipe - about half a cup in all - so I have some left to use as a healthy spread and see how that works out.
     This past weekend our ballroom dance teachers organized a ball at the Legion - we didn't find out until yesterday that it was black tie! Fred tried on his tux but decided not to wear it! I discovered that, while I have adequate skirts and tops for dancing, they are not really formal, so I shall see what I can do to rectify this for the next time. (Guys have it so easy! A tux and they're all set!). Apparently there won't be another ball there for a while, as the Legion is a popular venue for fundraiser-dances, and is booked for the whole year from now. It's too bad, because it's a good dance floor. The fundraiser dances are usually with local bands, and feature jiving and waltzing almost exclusively, while the ballroom folks had arranged to try us out on everything - Foxtrot, Quickstep, Jive, 3/8 waltz, old-time waltz, salsa, samba, cha cha and rhumba. Our feet were SORE when we left!

     At the Pub on Sunday we had a great time - there were scads of musicians for the session, which was the first one since before Christmas - and quite a few dancers as well. We probably danced more than we've ever done. There were two visitors, both Scottish Country Dance teachers, but the rest - about 10 or 12 - were all our own. It was looking grim for a bit, but Gary and Helen arrived, making up the 8, and then we got several more as well. Good times - and yet more sore feet.
Still plugging away on the POW vest - almost finished the main knitting - after which comes the totally new and exciting cutting steeks and then knitting the neck- and armhole- ribbing, and sewing down the facings. And then blocking! I can't wait. I have a bunch of new ideas, including trying out double knitting.

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