EVITA was an acknowledged triumph. Everyone had really good things to say about the music, the dancing, the acting...a spectacular indeed! Those who missed it are asking will it be presented again. Ha! This is live theatre, folks, not a DVD you can stick in the player again and again!
I am quite glad it's over, however, as it was a bit of a strain to go to work all day and then spend four hours in the theatre each night. But who am I to complain? The actors worked on this EVERY WEEKEND since September! They must be truly glad. I'm sure that they are missing it quite a bit, too.
My Sock Madness sock is done and its photo is posted. They go really easy in the first round, I think - 40 people (in each group of 50) go on to the next round. I really couldn't knit at the theatre (despite having a lot of free time) because I had to follow a chart. However, I did finish up a toe backstage one night, and the second sock was much quicker. The afterthought heel was a challenge, but it's good to know one, in case heels have to be replaced again. Grafting 32 stitches at the sole was - interesting. I had lots of time for the second one because - guess? - we had yet another snowstorm, on Monday. Anyway, done and now I'm awaiting the second round pattern, which comes out on Saturday apparently. Because one gets pretty keyed-up, knitting-wise, I had to keep going even after the socks were done, so I finished up Fred's hat and the scarf grew another few centimetres. Winter continues!
No, apparently it's sunny and beautiful out. I may have to go and observe this meterological phenomenon.
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