Spent Friday and part of Saturday out-of-doors, raking out the flower beds (I don't do the lawns, unless there are big sticks. I do pick them up, but otherwise they can sort themselves out). There were a number of surprises hiding under the sticks and leaves of last year. And what a great time for digging - before the cooch grass takes hold for the season. I finally finished putting the railway-tie separators behind the perennial bed in front of the lilacs (this is to prevent the lilacs from moving next door). Now I have some room to move things, and I put in a few foxgloves and a big Shasta daisy which was much too big for its place in the front of another bed. The two roses on the wrought-iron trellis are both alive, thanks be, and I have big hopes for roses on it this summer.
I had to weed under the pink mini rose in that perennial bed - and I discovered that it is not one, but three roses. Probably they were like that in the pot I bought them in. I separated them, anyway, so they're not competing for nutrients and room.
It's a perfect time for transplanting, too, so I hope to move some more roses to the roadside to brighten up the view for passers-by and save the trees from salt damage at the same time. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the realignment of the road has somewhat removed the problem of salt damage at the corner - the road is much farther away and so will the salt be - maybe we've had the problem solved for us! I still plan to plant rugosa roses there, though - they will be tough and beautiful.