I'm resting from struggling with dividing perennials, hermerocallis to be precise. They have a name I've forgotten, are the fleshy-coloured ones and are incredibly prolific. I've moved a big bunch down to the edge of the property beside the driveway, and now I have the rest of that bunch plus three others to find homes for. I'm hoping my flower-loving neighbor wants some!
Yesterday we went to the 70 Mile Yard Sale, which is all over Southern Kings County, and in my first two stops I found bargains to make the rest of the day wholly worthwhile. First, at the Caledonia Presbyterian church, 10 bags of sock yarn, for a total of over 28 balls. Each bag was marked 25 cents. It's all three-ply, a very light weight, and there are several pairs which will be enough for a pair of socks. The rest will be an opportunity for me to be creative with colourwork.
Next, at the organic vegetable place, a purple smoke bush for $5.00. I had just decided I have to have one, as it's JUST the colour of the house paint - and there it was, the answer to my prayers. Everything else, believe me, was gravy.